Ian, your voice is one of my favorites in games media. I'm so sorry for the current and worsening landscape of games journalism. I hope you find something great as your next thing. If possible, I selfishly hope we keep hearing your opinions on games, too, this artform we love so much. I'll be here reading whatever you post!
Thanks for sharing that. It sounds horrible. I'm sorry that you're not able to work reviewing games because you're goddamned great at it. I hope you find something you can make money at and not hate. Journalism is in a real tough spot right now. Everyone wants reliable news and no one wants to pay a dime for it.
Well as it turns out I subscribed! :) Glad you’re here, friend, and sorry for all of this nonsense you’ve had to deal with. Looking forward to what you have to say.
'We needed multiple stories every day about Fortnite, Call of Duty, Apex Legends—and it didn’t matter whether anything newsworthy was happening with any of those games. We just needed a lot of stories about them, and we needed them right now.' - Yeah, I felt this one straight to my bones all over again.
All I want to do is cover niche interesting Indies- but that's not what the algorithm favors, necessarily. Finding somewhere that would value that is my weird lil pipedream, and sadly, a lot of places I looked that would be into that, would require me to be somewhere other than canada.
Honest, heartbreaking, and informative.
Ian, your voice is one of my favorites in games media. I'm so sorry for the current and worsening landscape of games journalism. I hope you find something great as your next thing. If possible, I selfishly hope we keep hearing your opinions on games, too, this artform we love so much. I'll be here reading whatever you post!
Love seeing your take on this man. I’m glad I have a place I can continue reading your thoughts.
Thanks for sharing that. It sounds horrible. I'm sorry that you're not able to work reviewing games because you're goddamned great at it. I hope you find something you can make money at and not hate. Journalism is in a real tough spot right now. Everyone wants reliable news and no one wants to pay a dime for it.
I'm betting you land on your feet. Just watch how Thistle does it.
Well as it turns out I subscribed! :) Glad you’re here, friend, and sorry for all of this nonsense you’ve had to deal with. Looking forward to what you have to say.
'We needed multiple stories every day about Fortnite, Call of Duty, Apex Legends—and it didn’t matter whether anything newsworthy was happening with any of those games. We just needed a lot of stories about them, and we needed them right now.' - Yeah, I felt this one straight to my bones all over again.
All I want to do is cover niche interesting Indies- but that's not what the algorithm favors, necessarily. Finding somewhere that would value that is my weird lil pipedream, and sadly, a lot of places I looked that would be into that, would require me to be somewhere other than canada.